Thursday, November 8, 2007

M is for Mommy

This morning, I, Mommy, decided it was time for M to be the letter of day! "M" for Mommy! Well, Ms are sort of hard... M is for magenta. I have magenta marker all over my face from Max swinging the marker around and hitting me as I sat behind him. hmmm. Magenta huh? Monkey, Money, moo, more, mango...

Each Day, Rosemary has decided the letter has a cleaning product... M is for mop. D was dirt devil...

This is a photo of Max using Derby as a chair for his table and toys the other day.

Max threw a dog treat to Derby and it went under the fridge. Derby growled and barked at the fridge for 5 minutes before I figured out what happened.

Max thought this was really funny, so he put two more under there... which i had to go fish out with a knife and tongs!

M is for "Many" treats under the fridge!

1 comment:

grampa said...

AHH! The life of a dogs. It doesn't get any better.