Monday, April 28, 2008

Soccer Party

Sunday, Dad had all his soccer buddies over for a big party. We were all supposed to play outside and swim and BBQ.

But it rained, so everyone (all 30-40) played inside except Max and Derby and few people chasing after him! Max played in the rain and made mommy chase him up and down the hill. Derby had fetch partners all day long.

Max learned how to ride his ride-along down the steep hill. John Carswell and Max took turns. Max would say "mine turn". John Carswell would say "Maxie's Turn" Then Max would stand in front of John Carswell so he couldn't go down the hill. Here's me riding my push along down the hill!

The Nature Center

On Saturday, Mom and Max went to the nature center, while dad recovered from surgery at home. We saw Bears and Cougars. We heard a peacock yerlping real loud.

I had fun petting sheeps, goats, and cows. I loved the Sheep with the dreadlocks. I had lots of fun chasing a chicken.

And the best part of the Nature Center was sitting on the old tractor and pretending to ride it! We had to come back to it twice, so I could get my fill!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We have some modest remodelling going on in prep for new baby brother. As a result we have a lot guys coming and going by the shed. A couple of times today and yesterday, Bill or Ashley will come in the house and yell "Mike"...

Well, now Max is standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling "MIKE!" Then I overheard him downstairs whispering to himself "Mike, Mike, Mike"..

Silly Max... That's Daddy!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Time for a big boy bed?

This afternoon Max refused to go down for a nap.
Daddy went in and told him to lay down. He got quiet for a minute. then we heard a loud "HULLO?" And by the time I got out of my office, Max had opened the gate, closed it and was at the bottom of the stairs yelling for "GaGa"! (Ga-ga is Rosemary).


I'm a big boy now!

Learning to Swim

Here's max learning to swim. This is where he also heard Torri and Trevor calling Uncle Jimmy, "Papa". So Max started calling Uncle Jim papa...

Max had so much fun in the pool.

The Easter Egg Hunt

This was Max on his Easter Egg hunt.

He "lots" of Egg, and quickly learned how to eat chocolate!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Giraffe

Friday, at daycare, I colored a giraffe. What do you think everyone? I've been feeling creative lately. Wait til you see my painting photos!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Last weekend was Easter. Max and mommy were in San Diego and we had a good time. Max colored Easter eggs.

Max found his Easter basket behind a plant. it looked like a firetruck and was filled with candy.

We went on an Easter egg hunt at Grandma Betty and Grandpa Al's House. Max found lots of eggs with Candy. Yum. Trevor and Torri helped Max find his eggs, so he shared his candy!

Max almost bit Auntie Darla's fingers off trying to get the chocolate. Shark Attack! and big chocolate kisses!