this morning i decided the letter of the day would be L... letter, little, love, and so on... well our "L" day was complete after our nap.
Max laid down for a nap. I wasn't feeling well so i laid down as well. I woke up to Max calling "momma". Then everything was quiet. I went into Max's room to find he had removed both of his socks. He was sitting in his crib making the noise for "dirt", or "poop". I asked him if he went poopie and he started playing with his toes. I watched as he pulled lint from his toes and put it back and checked all of toes for lint, over and over again.
We went downstairs and he continued his search or lint.
"L" is lovely lint in my little toes.
Lovely lint? No way!
I'm a big boy soccer player
Have to watch out for that "lint" stuff!
Good boy Max!
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